White Paper: Solving for Guaranteed Income in Retirement Portfolios with Lifetime Annuities

Plan For Life, Actuaries & Researchers has released a white paper on the topic of “Solving for Guaranteed Income in Retirement Portfolios with Lifetime Annuities.” The white paper examines the key features of Lifetime Annuities and provides examples of how lifetime annuities can increase guaranteed income in retirement portfolios.

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Health & Wellness Life Insurance Awards

The Health & Wellness Life Insurance Awards identify market excellence in Life Insurance company programs designed to impact beneficially on the health and wellness of customers. Recognition by Plan For Life through an independent, objective and transparent research process also provides industry participants an insight into best practice and a benchmark to compare performance.

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Direct Life Insurance Awards

The Direct Life Insurance Awards identify market leaders and product excellence in Direct Life Insurance to give consumers confidence in this competitive market. Recognition by Plan For Life through an independent, objective and transparent research process also provides industry participants an insight into best practice and a benchmark to compare performance.

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