Bonds and guaranteed funds top sellers - Asia FlowWatch June 2016


In June 2016, long-term funds in Asia saw net inflows of US$24 billion, of which US$15 billion came from China. Bond funds led with US$13 billion mainly out of China, followed by guaranteed products (US$6 billion), equity funds (US$4 billion), and real estate vehicles (US$3 billion), also ‘other’ programs added close to US$1 billion, while mixed funds experienced US$3 billion in net redemptions for the month.

Bond Asia Pacific and Guaranteed/Protected were the top selling categories, raising US$13 billion and US$6 billion, respectively. In comparison, Mixed Flexible products experienced net outflows of US$2 billion in June.

At the product level, two Japan-domiciled funds took the top spots of June’s best-selling funds, with Nomura NF Nikkei 225 Leveraged Index ETF attracting almost US$1 billion, and Fidelity US REIT Fund, which tracks FTSE NAREIT Equity REITs Index, collecting US$0.8 billion in net subscriptions.