Fund People as at 24 September 2017
/New Appointments and Leadership Changes
CBA board leadership changes
The Commonwealth Bank has announced Robert Whitfield as its latest independent non-executive director. Whitfield is currently a director of New South Wales Treasury Corporation. Additionally, Launa Inman will be stepping down as a director of the bank, a position she has held since March 2011. Harrison Young will also be stepping down as director, a position he has held since February 2007. Both Inman and Young will retire in mid-November 2017.
Morgan Stanley appoints Australian head
Richard Wiles has been appointed as head of research for Australia at Morgan Stanley. Wiles has previously worked in equities research at Morgan Stanley and takes over from Lou Pirenc, who relocated to New York.
Senior leadership restructure at IRESS
Matthew Rady will leave his position as executive of financial markets at IRESS at the end of September 2017. Andrew Walsh will be stepping down as the executive of wealth management, but will continue as chief executive. The positions of executive of financial markets and executive of wealth management will be dissolved. Steve Barnes will be stepping down as chief operating officer.