All market regions report positive flows - Global FlowWatch - February 2019 Results
/Global long-term mutual funds collected US$87 billion in net new money during the month of February. All market regions posted positive flows, the U.S. led with US$48 billion, followed by Local Europe and Crossborder, with approximately US$13 billion and US$11 billion in net new money, respectively.
Meanwhile, Latin America and Local Asia had positive inflows with a combined US$15 billion.
Passively managed funds garnered US$70 billion in new investor money while active funds recorded US$18 billion in net flows. Investors in the U.S. were the largest benefactors of active funds, contributing an aggregate US$12 billion in net new money. Overall, bond funds attracted the most investor demand out of any asset class, with US$63 billion in net subscriptions.
Vanguard was once again the best-performing manager during the month, with US$24 billion in net new cash. About 22% of Vanguard’s aggregate flows were due to its best-selling fund, the Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index, which attracted approximately US$5 billion in new investor money. The fund has about US$168 billion in assets under management as of February 2019.