US$52bn in broad market recovery - Global ETF FlowWatch - April 2020

ETFs accumulated US$52 billion in April 2020 amid broad recovery in the market. Commodity (mostly gold and oil) ETFs led with US$25 billion in net new money, followed by bond ETFs with US$17 billion of net flows. Equity ETFs trailed behind with US$10 billion in net subscriptions. Aggregate global ETF assets under management recovered to US$5.853 trillion.

In the U.S., commodity ETF products amassed US$16 billion of net flows, while bond ETFs gathered US$12 billion in net new money. Equity ETFs took in a moderate US$2 billion in net subscriptions. Notably, SPDR Gold Shares ETF was the best-selling ETF and pulled in nearly US$5 billion in net flows.

In Europe, ETFs garnered US$13 billion in net new money, primarily driven bond ETFs accumulating US$9 billion in net new cash. ETFs in Asia accumulated US$8 billion in net flows, primarily pushed by equity and commodity ETF gathering US$7 billion and US$4 billion, respectively. This, however, was slightly offset by bond ETF products enduring roughly US$3 billion in net redemptions.

ICBCCS Gold ETF was the largest new ETF launch in April 2020, gathering US$80 million in inflows. The ETF tracks the price of the Au 99.99 and Au 99.95 spot contract on the Shanghai Gold Exchange.