Risk Product Update
/ClearView’s launches IP range and new platform
ClearView’s new product series, ClearChoice, coincides with the launch of ClearView’s life insurance platform. The new platform is set to be a central point for financial advisers to access ClearChoice and engage with ClearView. The insurer has redesigned its core life insurance product and invested in technology to meet adviser and customer needs.
ClearChoice income protection offers IP and IP Flex, which pay up to 60 and 70 per cent respectively of pre-disability income to customers up to age 65. A booster option is available to increase the benefit amount by another 20 per cent for the first six months.
MLC launches IP range
MLC Life Insurance has launched a new income protection range, Income Assure and Income Assure+, providing IP insurance with varying cover options. Income Assure offers 70 per cent income replacement with tiers for income over $150,000, with Assure+ offering up to 90 per cent for six months post-claim through a booster option. Both products will be offered as part of MLC Insurance and MLC Insurance (Super) from 1 October 2021.
TAL launches new IP products
TAL has released three new IP products, Income Protection Enhance, Income Protection Assist, and Income Protection Focus. Two long-term options offer benefits to age 65, with Income Protection Enhance designed to be affordable long-term cover, with Income Protection Assist offering early extra support through Early Support Booster options for the first six months. Income Protection Focus is a short-term benefit option applying to the own occupation definition for a one, two or five-year benefit period.