Total Risk Market Inflows down a marginal 0.2% over the year from $18.10bn to $18. 07bn

Inflows into the Lump Sum sub-market posted modest growth of 1.1% over the past year with mixed results amongst leading companies, with NobleOak (25.1%), ClearView (89.4%), TAL (2.2%) and Zurich (1.3%) posting positive growth, while Resolution (-3.4%) and AIA (-4.6%) were both down and MLC was almost unchanged. MetLife also reported significant growth although off a much smaller base.

Risk Income Inflows continue to grow noticeably faster than the Lump Sum market, up 2.2% over the past year. Among the better performers in percentage growth terms were NobleOak (23.1%), ClearView (12.2%), TAL (5.1%) and MLC (1.3%).

Overall Group Risk Premium Inflows experienced a 2.7% fall over the past year, with medium-size competitor Zurich reporting the highest growth rate at 29.6% after taking over the Brighter Super insurance mandate from TAL, followed by MetLife (up 1.9%) and QInsure (up 1.7%). It should be noted that individual company growth can be significantly impacted by super fund insurance mandate movements.

Source: Plan For Life

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