Fund People Update

  • BTFG appoints new CEO

  • Zenith appoints ESG head

  • Aviva welcomes head of credit

  • Crawford & Co vice president wins Woman of the Year at business awards

  • Future Fund appoints chief people and culture officer

  • EISS appoints chair, loses CEO

  • Frontier Advisors appoints director

  • Mercer loses head of superannuation

  • Vanguard appoints MD

  • VFMC appoints new CEO

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Fund People Update

  • Cbus welcomes new chair

  • AUSIEX appoints head of risk and compliance

  • LUCRF farewells head of product and strategy

  • AustralianSuper appoints head of equities

  • AMP appoints GM of retirement, loses head of multi-asset group

  • Lonsec appoints CIO

  • SuperConcepts welcomes CIO, CTO

  • WTW announces CEO replacement

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