Risk Product, Company and Regulatory Updates as at 14 May 2019

Risk Product, Company and Regulatory Updates as at 14 May 2019
  • AIA Australia discounts lump sum policies

  • OnePath announces adviser portal improvements

  • Integrity Life announces product enhancements

  • Asteron Life exiting stage left

  • Life Code Compliance Committee (LCCC): still work to do

  • Australasia Wealth Services and Management licence suspended

  • Westpac paying back over 30 per cent of fees-for-no-service

  • APRA sends letter, demands action from disability income providers

  • FSC says no to civil penalties for voluntary industry code

  • Adviser AFS licences revoked due to dual authorisation with other licensee

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Risk Product, Company and Regulatory Updates as at 16 April 2019

  • BT Protection Plan changes

  • Freedom Insurance selling admin and advisory business, goal to close its doors

  • Integrity Life announces product enhancements

  • Asteron Life extends wholesale commission discount offer

  • BT’s Cancer Assistance Program results

  • Bridges to buy Bendigo and Adelaide Bank advice business

  • SMSF Advisers Network with additional licence conditions imposed

  • AMP FP new AFSL conditions imposed

  • Update on CBA’s AFSL conditions

  • Victims of financial misconduct to have greater supports

  • ASIC can now intervene on problematic financial products

  • FPA calls for ‘general advice’ term to be dumped

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Risk Product, Company and Regulatory Updates as at 19 March 2019

  • BT’s LifeCENTRAL+ Desktop is updated

  • Integrity Life enters retail life risk space

  • Clayton Utz surrenders withheld AMP interview documents to ASIC

  • Commonwealth Bank delays demerger

  • FPA launches FASEA policy and education hub

  • FSU campaign to end gender pay gap

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