ESG Research Update

Sustainable open-ended funds doing very well in Q2 2020 - The most recent Global Sustainable Fund Flows report by Morningstar looked at almost 3,500 sustainable open-ended funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) globally for Q2 2020 noted that sustainable funds did much better after the March market sell-offs.

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ESG Global Update

UK pension fund modifying trust drastically - The United Kingdom’s National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) is moving almost half of its portfolio to climate-aware strategies, which involves the divestment of companies involved in thermal coal, oil sands and arctic drilling.

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ESG Global Update

  • ISS ESG included in Environmental Finance’s 2020 Data Guide

  • JP Morgan launches integrated ESG policy statement for global business

  • ISS ESG: In Wild 2020, Fund Investors Find Virtue in ESG Factors

  • World Economic Forum: 395m new jobs by 2030 if business priorities nature

  • UNSW study: transitioning to renewable energy will not harm global economy

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