Fund Product, Company and Regulatory Updates as at 16 January 2019

  • VanEck reduces ETF fees

  • Strategic Insight (formerly Plan For Life) has been acquired

  • Verve Super launches supporting female financial security

  • Equip to take over superannuation for ex-Qantas catering employees

  • Insto investors get African index, finally

  • Halifax Investment Services AFS licence suspended

  • California first US state to mandate gender board diversity

  • ASIC releases consultation paper on fee and cost disclosure reform for managed funds

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Fund People as at 27 November 2018

  • ASFA appoints board members

  • Hostplus promotes head of investment strategy

  • Tasplan Super appoints new director

  • VicSuper appoints its first chief risk officer, executive manager of people experience

  • Blue Sky welcomes new chair

  • BlackRock appoints new Asia Pacific head

  • Paul Costello passes away

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Fund Product, Company and Regulatory Updates as at 27 November 2018

  • BetaShares launches first active fixed income ETF in Australia

  • UBS launches emerging markets equity fund

  • Vision Super divesting from thermal coal, tar sands, tobacco

  • Women’s Economic Security Statement 2018 released by government

  • ASIC extends relief for non-cash payment facilities

  • Exceptions made in Protecting Your Super reforms

  • UBS Securities pays $120,000 MDP infringement notice

  • Dampier Finance convicted and fined for failing to lodge financial statements

  • State One Stockbroking breaches cost company $500,000

  • ASIC now free to hire gun staff as needed

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Risk Product, Company and Regulatory Updates as at 20 November 2018

  • ANZ releases new underwriting engine

  • TAL product updates

  • Zurich and Oxford join income protection study

  • ClearView launches LaVista Licensee Solutions

  • ASIC now able to hire outside the box

  • FSC issues revised code draft

  • FASEA still working on details of education standards framework

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